7 Quick Tips About Business Management

Published 3 July 2016

The guidelines for business management are an important part of any corporate culture. They should be embedded in the fixed company principles and therefore be used as the basis for decision making on all levels.

The 7 tips that will help business managers to achieve their annual goals.

Only when this is achieved do we move gradually into more difficult obstacles. Nobody is forced to complete an obstacle that is beyond their capabilities but we encourage trainees to challenge themselves and see if they cannot complete all the obstacles,” said Johan.

  1. Have a department plan

    An idea is doomed to failure without a plan behind it. You have to set targets that will ensure that the team achieves their goals. Without a plan and dedication to executing it, they will inevitably drift, gradually losing sight of their potential and value. Hold yourself accountable by evaluating progress weekly and making adjustments as circumstances evolve.

  2. Be an example

    Convey confidence and stay composed. Own up to your mistakes, so that your team does the same. Follow your own rules, knowing no job or rule is beneath you and stay positive and approachable at all times. People watch what you do more than they listen to what you say so always walk the talk and recognise the image you project at all times.

  3. Be consistent

    As business grows more complex and uncertain, your team should never guess how you will react. Instead, they should view you as a fixer who will provide a fair hearing and honest feedback. Otherwise, they will invariably tell you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear, and be silence is a far greater threat to any business than honesty.

  4. Be Fair

    Team members need to know that opportunities for their professional growth and career enhancement are alive and well on a level playing field in which managers are the gatekeepers. As a manager, you should demonstrate your awareness and commitment to your individual team members by conducting regular one on one meetings, checking in throughout the year to ensure the team members are within striking distance of their annual goals and providing solid feedback for multiple performance activity. Avoid favouritism at all cost.

  5. Provide ongoing communication

    Your employees’ perception of you can be your biggest asset or drawback, so you have to reinforce a good impression by reaching out and maintaining a two-way dialogue and seeking feedback on what’s important to them. You are responsible for others, and they need to know you are watching out for their interests.

  6. Open to new ideas

    The departmental meetings can be used as a platform for team members to learn about you and your expectations, and for the manager to listen to complaints if they are immediately followed by a new and better suggestion that has the possibility of being implemented. When a team member approaches you with what they think might be comprehensive solution, acknowledge them for stepping up with an enhanced idea that might be a win/win for all.

  7. Empowerment

    Your team can only move forward and be successful if they feel empowered. Empowerment cannot be taught – it is cultivated and nurtured. You must inspire employees to develop and implement techniques that have proven continuously successful and beneficial

A business cannot survive without management because management is its means of support. In this management conscious age, the significance of management can hardly be over emphasised, it is said that anything minus management amount is nothing. There is no more important area of human activity than management since its task is that of getting things done others.