Overcoming Fear

Published 6 October 2023

Fear is something that we all have to deal with in our lives. It is a normal reaction that acts as a warning sign for our bodies to be careful. Anxiety is a sort of fear that focuses more on concern about the future than it does on current threats. Fear and anxiety become an issue when they start to repeat themselves in our lives. It is therefore important to learn how to manage it, so read below for a few helpful tips:
  • Get to know your fear: You can’t overcome a fear that remains hidden in the dusty regions of your subconscious. When you face your fear, you become aware of aspects of it that you were previously unaware of. Being consciously aware of your fears will aid you in overcoming it.
  • Breathing exercises: You may not realize how vital breathing is. Typically, anxiousness starts with shallow breathing. Your body experiences several adverse reactions because of the shallow breathing, which develops into an anxiety attack. The secret to overcoming those sudden anxiety attacks is to regulate your breathing.
  • Control you imagination: Your fears might get magnified or exaggerated by your imagination, making the situation worse than it is. Use your imagination to overcome your fear by thinking of the fear and how you would peacefully overcome it.
  • Take a break: Thinking clearly is impossible when you’re overcome by fear and anxiety. Take some time away so that you can physically calm down. Go for a tea break, a walk outside for fresh air or a nice warm bath.
  • There is no “perfect”: Many of us try to live by a perfect standard but that is simply unattainable. There will be bad days and failures from time to time, so do not beat yourself up over it, rather take it as an opportunity to learn.
Full read here (Editing purposes only): 6 Tips to Overcoming Anxiety and Phobias (psycom.net) Click Here