How to be more Productive

Published 20 June

We all want to be more productive because we know that time is the one commodity we cannot buy. Not only does productivity save you valuable time, international research(2) has shown that being more productive also makes you happy, improves job satisfaction and no surprise makes you a top performer.


Extremely productive people have several common traits. They have learned how to work smarter rather than harder.

So, what do they do?

  • They hold themselves accountable through using to do lists and checking progress against such lists daily. If they commit to getting something done, they keep their promises.
  • They learn what they need to do to keep their energy levels high – exercise, regular breaks, safe social interaction etc.
  • They know their own internal productivity cycle and schedule high impact activities for when they have the most energy available.
  • They can rapidly recover when they are distracted, but more importantly they eliminate distractions such as e-mail and SMS notification chimes. The average person gets distracted every 11 minutes and then takes 23 minutes to get their focus back. You need to have a “do not disturb” sign.
  • They have personal mission statements and a life-list that guide their subconscious mind in prioritising activities.
  • They know how to politely say NO. Remember if you do not control how, you spend your time, someone else will try to control it.
  • They cultivate productivity habits. If you practice something every day for 66 days, it becomes a habit. So, they consistently applying techniques that improve productivity until it becomes a habit. Productivity habits include: Time management, Checking e-mails at determined times of the day, They tackle the most difficult task of the day 1st thing in the morning, Delegation, Exercise, Good eating habits.
  • They know when to ask for help.
  • They create a physical working space that is conducive to productivity. Remote working allows those of us who can work like this to create such a space. So, invest in the equipment you need a good chair, a heater, Wi-Fi speakers whatever you need. If you work in a shared space invest in noise cancelling headphones.
  • They embrace automation.

Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance your productivity. Start by incorporating a few changes at a time, and gradually build up a system that works best for you.


Staff Writer


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